Your Blueprint for Spiritual Fitness
Stairs up a narrow pathway of an Italian village
Chet Collins in stylized text
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Grant Us Peace

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Start building a habit of prayer, today.

Why I Wrote This Book

When life gets busy, and on days when I’m falling behind on my to-do list, there are two types of activities that I’m likely to cut: exercise and prayer. Why is it that my first reaction is to cancel those activities that have the biggest impact on my life? If I neglect my physical or spiritual fitness long enough, I’m going to pay a price.

The hardest thing about prayer is knowing where to start. There’s no wrong way to pray, and thousands of right ways. Devotions to saints, memorized prayer, open conversation, reading the Bible, the list goes on and on. It’s easy to get blocked just trying to make a decision about where to start. Grant Us Peace is that easy first step.

I’ve done all of the work and planning for you. Simply pick up the book and pray. Five minutes a day for 21 days is all that it takes. After three solid weeks of daily prayer, you’ll be on track, in the groove, and ready to continue building a rich spiritual life.

About the Book

In an increasingly connected world, it's all too easy to feel alone. We go from one thing to the next without a moment to rest. It's time to try something new. It's time to forge a real relationship with God. It all begins with prayer.
Form a habit of prayer
The book has 21 days of reflections and practical action steps. You'll start feeling progress right from the start.
A solid game plan
Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. I've done the hard work for you and laid out an easy to follow plan.
The starting line
This is only the beginning. Once you've established your habit of prayer, you'll be ready to explore all of the treasures of the Church.
Prayer is the answer. Grant Us Peace is the blueprint for spiritual fitness that you need right now. It's the best tool to knock off the rust and get back into relationship with your Creator and to help you start living the life you were made to live.


When you’re getting ready to start a new exercise routine, you might find yourself in the market for a workout buddy. We all need accountability, and more often than not, we need someone who’s smarter than us or someone who’s been down this road before. If you’re really smart, you’ll choose a workout buddy who knows a thing or two about getting in shape. Maybe they lost 400 lbs. and you want to tap into that experience. Or perhaps they ran cross country in school and they know a ton about running.

Accountability is key. On days when you want to slack off, your buddy pushes you further than you could go on your own. On days when they want to skip the gym, you’re there to call them out. It’s a win-win.

In the Church, we have a wide range of workout buddies to choose from. The fight for the salvation of your soul is a workout, there’s no doubt about it. With hard work and intentionality, your spiritual muscles grow and the lure of temptation becomes less and less appealing. It’ll never be gone, but neither will the sheer deliciousness of doughnuts. You take steps to minimize the risks.

That’s what we did yesterday. Before we even started this whole thing, we planned a route home from Church that doesn’t involve any doughnut shops. We found the glaring things in our lives that are keeping us from being saints and we kicked them to the curb.

Now that we’ve started this workout and turned this new leaf, we need a workout buddy. We need someone who knows all about living a holy life. We need someone to help us, to encourage us when we fall, and to give us that critical element of accountability. We need someone who’s been in our shoes here on earth and has made it to the goal. We need a Saint to help us. On the classic show, “Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?,” each player had a lifeline called “Phone a Friend.” We won’t be using AT&T to make the connection today, but we will be phoning a friend.

These next 21 days are going to be filled with the temptation to return to complacency. We’re going to be tempted to give up on our good work in a few days, and a few days after that, and a few days after that. We need help.

Today, I want you to pick a patron Saint for this journey. Pick a Saint that you already know, or find someone new. Pick a well known Saint, or pick an obscure Saint. Pick them and give them a call. Ask them to be your partner on this journey.

This is an important relationship for this process, that’s why we’re doing this on the first day. Easy enough?
Grant Us Peace Second Edition cover art

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Chet Collins author

About the Author

Chet Collins is the author of three books, including The Transition, Humble Service: Leading Your Family as a Stay-At-Home Dad and Grant Us Peace. His most recent release is the semi-annual publication, Applied Bioethics Magazine.

Chet started publishing regularly in 2013. He writes on the subjects of philosophy, bioethics, marriage, fatherhood, and family life. He is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he met his wife, Alison. They have four delightful children.